
Click on the filters below to see the services we provide across our specialist industries

Our UV filtration systems provide water safe for human consumption, oral hygiene, utensil washing and food preparation.

If you live rurally, roof catchment or surface water can become contaminated with human, animal or bird faecal mineral content, sediment or decayed vegetation, bacteria or algae inclusion.

The Health Act requires that houses must have a supply of safe, clean water available for human consumption, oral hygiene, utensil washing and food preparation. Our fully approved UV water filtration and purification systems are tailored and maintained to ensure complete water safety for all rural situations.

A full regular testing service is also offered

Microlene filters (bench-top or under-bench) provide great tasting water for drinking, cooking and other domestic use. Filter cartridges generally need changing every three years, and we provide a reminder service when the change is necessary.

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